Thursday, April 28, 2016

President Obama Vetoes Health Care Repeal Bill

By NBC News

Summary: This article is aimed at President Obama's veto of a bill that was to repeal the Affordable Care Act or, Obama Care back in January. Republicans supported the bill and the legislation was also set on defunding Planned Parenthood. President Obama came out saying that Republicans have tried to get rid of Obama Care over 50 times in the past. He said that rather than fighting political battles to better the lives of Americans, they are using there time to undermine an important piece of legislation rather than make progress. The House voted 240 to 181 to repeal the act, almost borderline to the party-lines. The Senate was able to pass an act to attack Obama Care because Republicans used the process of budget reconciliation that prevented a filibuster by Senate Democrats. Repealing the act continues to be a goal of the Republicans, and they won't stop until President Obama has left office. 

Class Relations: In class, we have been discussing the executive branch, and more importantly, the powers of the president. One of the president's main powers is the presidential veto. He is able to stop a bill if he chooses, and it is very hard to overturn that veto, due to the majority needed by the House and the Senate. President Obama's veto against the Republican's attempt to repeal Obama Care is a perfect example of a president exercising his powers. 

My Thoughts: I believe what the president did was right. I am tired of hearing Republicans go after Obama Care and the fact that they waste so much time and energy to do so. The Affordable Care Act has been nothing but helpful to Americans. It has provided over 11 million people in this nation with affordable healthcare. What could people possibly have against that? We need to stop trying to rid the country of the most beneficial things we have to offer the nation and help Americams in other aspects, like improving the environment, reforming the campaign finance system, and improving education standards for the nation. Let's stop trying to destroy what we have, before we realize we can't function without it. 

This is for last week's blog post
Obama's Immigration Order Overreaches: Our View
By Editorial Board of USA Today


Summary: In an effort to make way on immigration reform, President Obama passed an executive order to aid over 5 million undocumented immigrants from being deported. This order was instituted towards the end of Obama's 2nd term. The policy seemed too extreme, according to many, and was said to be passing the right things in the wrong way. Republicans didn't even see it as a good thing at all, and now the order is being challenged in the Supreme Court. When President Obama  leaves office in January of next year, a Republican president would rescind the order anyway, making it tough for immigration policy to even make way without having serious backlash and problems getting past Congress; order or not. Undocumented immigrants should be a problem left to Congress to evaluate and solve.

Class Relation: During class, we have been discussing two topics as of late: the presidency and the bureaucracy. The executive order by president Obama is perfect for what we have been going over in class. We have looked at how the president can pass an executive order to get something done quickly and effectively without consent of the House or Senate. We have learned about the presidents who have used the most and least executive orders during their time in office. Obama's executive order on immigration is a clear example of orders carried out by the president.

My Opinion: I think the people at USA Today are wrong to say Obama's executive order was done in the "wrong way." For decades, our country has had very big problems with letting immigrants enter, and live peacefully in this country. It is our responsibility as a nation to take in people escaping hardship, famine, natural disasters, and economic problems in other countries worldwide. You might hear or think that the immigrants coming in to this country are terrorists or rapists or drug lords or even people coming to "take our jobs and money." This is not true. While there are immigrants coming in that do do harmful things and cause trouble once they have made it into the U.S., it is an extremely small number compared to all those coming in to do good and to help our nation grow. Those who come in and work for lower wages are actually strengthening the economy and making life better for every American. I feel they should be paid equally, but for now, America is prospering from people coming in to feed their families and go to work. Who are we to deny these people that right? Who are we to deport them and send them back to only tragedy and hardship. The least we can do as a nation is allow them to stay in our country and work and live and feed their families, because that's what America should be all about.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

A Historic Lame Duck Appointment
Obama’s Supreme Court Nomination in 2016 is Reminiscent of 1801

Summary: Since the death of Antonin Scalia, President Obama has nominated the Chief Judge of the Washington D.C. District Court of Appeals, Merrick Garland. This appointment is vaguely familiar of the appointment of Justice John Marshall in 1801 by John Adams. John Marshall was appointed in an election year, like Garland, and was nominated by a president soon to leave from unpopularity, who would not earn a second. Adams was voted against by the people which rejected him and the Federalist Party,however Adams didn’t bat an eye when nominating Marshall. Marshall was an Anti-Federalist who favored a strong central government, and despised Jefferson and the Federalists. The Senate confirmed Marshall unanimously just five weeks before Thomas Jefferson was to be inaugurated. "More than anyone else, Marshall turned the Supreme Court into an independent and co-equal branch of government, and the final arbiter of what was and what was not constitutional. Under his leadership, the Supreme Court became a major player in defining the American nation.” Marshall voted in many important cases including the famous cases of McCulloch v. Maryland and Marbury v. Madison. He was known for giving the federal government more power at the expense of the states. Marshall is one of the many reasons why Republicans with a string sense of history will oppose Garland’s nomination. 

Class Connections: The unit in class that we have been focusing on of late has been the judiciary, or the judicial branch of the U.S government. Specifically, we have been learning about the Supreme Court. John Marshall, who is the main person of importance in this article, has been a major figure we have studied because of his importance in shaping the Supreme Court, and the national government. Marshall, through many different cases, gave more power to the national government over the states in situations that included interstate commerce, taxation, and more. We have also talked about the death of Justice Scalia and how President Obama is having a difficult time due to the Republican majority in the House and Senate. 

My Opinion: I personally think that Republicans are causing too much commotion and creating pointless problems in the nomination of the successor to Antonin Scalia. President Obama has the power and the authority to present a candidate for the SC who will act on the needs of this country. I think it is the job of Congress to stop the commotion and agree on Judge Garland. The only reason why they won’t have Garland elected is for petty personal matters concerning the fact that the candidate will bring a liberal majority to the Court. It is definitely a little bit ridiculous.